Saturday, March 7, 2009


This weekend, our church held a marriage retreat at the Ridgecrest Conference Center in North Carolina. It was a great weekend of fun, fellow-shipping, worship, learning and hiking. While the weekend had great speaking and lessons, I most enjoyed spending time with other married couples and hearing their stories of marriage through the seasons. Also, Kyle and I had the opportunity to hike around the Ridgecrest property and enjoy God's beautiful creation. It was just great to be alone and away from the world (no TV!) and spend time together talking and enjoying the outdoors. 

So here's the point: Nothing beats learning from other Christian couples and spending time with your husband in God's great creation! 


  1. I love this picture of you and Kyle. It is frame worthy. Stan and I always love being with you and Kyle. We are so blessed to have you in our lives.

    Hey Maddie, do you have any Milk Duds? LOL.

  2. Hahaha. Thanks! No Milk Duds... But wow those are some nice... well nevermind. :)
    Thanks, I like the picture too!

  3. Beautiful pictures. Especially the one of you and Kyle. I love spending time with you and Kyle. The next weekend he has off, I want to have you guys over for dinner. Let me know and we'll put it on the calendar.

  4. God must have placed the same thing on our hearts. Wow!!
    The musical is May 17 and we plan to put the stage up the week of April 8. Toby will call Kyle and see if he's available. He will be excited to have help. Have a blessed week.

  5. Glad to hear you guys enjoyed your time at Ridgecrest this past weekend. We look forward to seeing you back on campus in the future!

    Byron Hill
    Executive Director, LifeWay Conference Centers

  6. I would be interested in doing a summer reading club. Let's do it.

